Phase 2: Timeline of the pilot

Phase 2: Timeline of the pilot

Our pilots are designed to span 45 days. During the first 15 days, we'll help with pre-implementation, implementation, and training. During the remaining 30 days, Ten5 will be up and running, and we'll support you with monitoring adoption and ensuring success for all users. 

The timeline

  1. Days 1-5: Set goals and deploy baseline surveys.
  2. Days 6-10: Send and tabulate survey, initial training with administrators, identify pilot users, meet with champions. Identify IVEX materials.
  3. Days 11-15: Introduce Ten5 to drivers and dispatchers, set up the fleet, welcome emails and video, deployment of application to drivers, welcome message deployed for users to test and respond to. Record IVEX.
  4. Days 16-45: Ten5 is up & running
    1. Necessary tasks:
      1. Send welcome broadcast from senior management.
      2. Send weekly "what’s going on" Broadcast.
      3. Switch non-dispatch-related messages (e.g. loads) from phone calls and/or HOS/ Workflow application text messages to 1:1 voice messages via Ten5 to drivers.

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