Manage and reply to incoming messages

Manage and reply to incoming messages

Incoming messages can be viewed on the Overview, Urgent, Complaint, Comment, and Conversation History pages. 

Overview page

The Overview page is your home base. Use this page to view the newest messages and the quantity of each message types have been sent. From this page, you can listen to and reply to messages, but you won't be able to resolve messages. To resolve messages, navigate to any of the pages in the following two sections.

Urgent, Complaint, and Comment pages

These pages display messages of their respective type. Use these pages to monitor, reply to, and resolve messages. All three pages share the same layout. 

Conversation History

This page organizes messages & conversation in chats. Each chat is in reference to a specific driver and will contain all messages sent between the driver and fleet admin & manager users. You will be able to see all previous messages and all types of messages.

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